Thursday, April 1, 2010

conservation reserve program

Natural Sumberdaya involve and its [of] him which in the form of keaneka- flora ragaman, natural symptom and fauna with [his/its] nature panoramic view panoramic beauty represent God Single award The most. Potency of Sumberdaya natural and its it[him] this can be developed and exploited its to prosperity of people without neglecting conservation effort. Natural Sumberdaya able to be exploited as continuation of nature and at the same time as natural wisata obyek, [is]: mount, sea garden, river, coastal, flora of[is including forest, fauna, waterfall, lake and view of nature.
Congeniality " natural wisata" covering activity and obyek related to tourism and recreation exploiting natural resources potency and its its[his], goodness in the form of genuiness ( solidarity and also alami) with made in human being. As a result recreation places [in] open nature which in character still experience of and earn freshment mem-berikan more and more visited [by] people ( tourist).
The increasing of activity of this natural wisata there [is] its bearing with change of pattern live society, the increasing of life level, existence of accretion of leeway and growing of facilities and basic facilities facility so that can reach places of di-manapun location of wisata reside in
In general have been realized that in supporting pengem-bangan of tourism sector owning is multifarious [of] manner of obyek and also fascination, [relation/link] rate, location and also the availibility of fund and various other determinant cause development storey;level which [do] not uniform. Therefore in handling, development and [his/its] construction need the existence of integrity pass by quickly sectoral either in area storey;level and also [in] center storey;level.

natural environment conservation

Spanning eastern Indonesia, parts of Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands (see the map), the Coral Triangle is the global center of marine biodiversity and one of the world’s top priorities for marine conservation. This extraordinary expanse of ocean covers an area of 2.3 million square miles (5.7 million km2), the equivalent to half of the entire United States. It is home to over 600 reef-building coral species, or 75% of all species known to science, and more than 3,000 species of reef fish. Over 150 million people live within the Coral Triangle, of which an estimated 2.25 million fishers are dependant on marine resources for their livelihoods. Applying the latest science, The Nature Conservancy is working with a range of partners to protect the coastal and marine ecosystems of this vast area by addressing key threats, such as over-fishing, destructive fishing, and mass coral bleaching.

Destructive fishing not only contributes to over-fishing, it also destroys the habitat on which exploited fish depend. Blast fishing, either with home-made or industrial explosives, is perhaps the best known example of destructive fishing. Other examples are bottom trawling, fishing with poisons, and fishing with certain kinds of fish traps. The loss of income due to blast fishing in Indonesia over the last 25 years is approximately US$3.8 billion. Global warming is already making a significant impact on marine biodiversity and the lives of those who depend on the reefs for income. A major threat to coral reefs comes from the periodic mass bleaching of corals caused by increased temperatures in the seas. In the 1998 El Nino weather event, 75% of reefs worldwide bleached and 16% died. Coral bleaching is predicted to become an annual event within 25-50 years

community energy conservation corp

Besides in order to returning fertility of land;ground hence needed [by] pattern and types solidarity of activity capable to improve farm productivity, like crop of legume capable to fasten N on the air, and also system of agrosilvopasoral ( agriculture crop kombinas, ranch and forestry) which can improve element of hara land;ground, and land;ground porosity facilitating the happening of infiltrateing, sehinggga improve;repair system of hidrologi.

Conclusion and Suggestion.

1. Management of natural sumberdaya [in] part of pate;upstream of DAS have caused the quality of downhill farm ( to the number of critical farm and need repair effort)

2. Effort to improve;repair the quality of DAS can be applied [by] form agriculture of have continuation [to] [pass/through] system of agroforestry with combination various business activity.

3. Agroroforestry with other technological input and supported by local wisdom ( knowledge indigeneous) can return condition and fertility arrange water a[n environment of DAS by considering solidarity of activity of agroforestry and election of crop type, without disregarding social and economic tatanan [of] society.

soil conservation methods

Thereby election of type very needed in solidarity of crop [at] system of agroforestry. combination of Agroforestry in the effort conservation more [in] concentrating on type composition, and formed coronet strata. This matter related to closing of farm which [is] very have an effect on to hidrologi a[n farm.

hearing conservation

According to Oosterling ( 1927), what share direct is not strightened situation [of] forest, but ability of absorbent serasah [of] timberland den and water. Though forest stay in intact situation, however as anxious as [do] not be formed or lose and land;ground have the character of solidly, channeling of surface when torrential rains remain to be big ( Notohadiprawiro,1981).

usda natural resources conservation service

Pemillihan Type Crop, and Solidarity Of Activity In related/relevant Agroforestry [of] conservation effort.

Role of agroforestry in overcoming marginal farm, Padmowijoto ( 2004), please mention that crop of leucaena ( planted [by] lamtoro) [is] meeting with distance [among/between] line one metre, can yield green manure counted 120 ton/ha/tahun, so that can give 1000 nitrogen singk, 200 phosphoric acid singk and 800 singk of potasium, equivalent successively by 100 zak ( 50 singk) sulphate ammonium, 20 zak ( 50 singk) super [of] phosphate and 24 zak ( 50 singk) Fixaksi atmosphere n muriate potasium add fertility, cheap and [do] not bother environment. Addition of green manure [of] maculata gliricidia improve content of phosphorus [about/around] 26-37% [at] various land;ground type and also improve N, Fe and of Mn.

root of Legume in system of alley cropping ( cultivation of band system) functioning as mineral pump. bar of Legume residing in above land (of) in the form of cropping alley can arrest;detain off run and can degrade oblique land;ground erosion besaran from 96,9 ton / ha become only 0,8 ton / ha and after three program year walk, land;ground hara balance become positively [of] its meaning more hara which return into land;ground compared to is missing.

conservation of angular momentum

(2004) (Sabarnurdin, Agroforestry sistem of diperoleh dapat yang [is] Lingkungan Manfaat

1. Lessening pressure to forest, so that forest area function [do] not annoyed ( arrange water, variety involve etc);

2. More efficient in element recicling of hara [pass/through] tree take root in [in] location of tsb.;

3. better protection to pate;upstream area ecology system of DAS;

4. Lessening surface stream, wash of land;ground erosion and hara ;

5. Improve;Repairing micro climate, lessening temperature surface of land;ground, lessening evapotranspirasi because combination of mulsa of crop one year / season and wings of tree;

6. Improving land;ground hara and land;ground structure [pass/through] addition which [is] kontinyu result of process of dekomposisi organic materials ; Of told theorys above, can be interpreted that system of agroforestry enough flexible to be applied [by] [in] part of critical natural river pate;upstream [of] farm, in order to cure of farm condition. Only which need to be arranged [by] [is] ;