Thursday, April 1, 2010

conservation reserve program

Natural Sumberdaya involve and its [of] him which in the form of keaneka- flora ragaman, natural symptom and fauna with [his/its] nature panoramic view panoramic beauty represent God Single award The most. Potency of Sumberdaya natural and its it[him] this can be developed and exploited its to prosperity of people without neglecting conservation effort. Natural Sumberdaya able to be exploited as continuation of nature and at the same time as natural wisata obyek, [is]: mount, sea garden, river, coastal, flora of[is including forest, fauna, waterfall, lake and view of nature.
Congeniality " natural wisata" covering activity and obyek related to tourism and recreation exploiting natural resources potency and its its[his], goodness in the form of genuiness ( solidarity and also alami) with made in human being. As a result recreation places [in] open nature which in character still experience of and earn freshment mem-berikan more and more visited [by] people ( tourist).
The increasing of activity of this natural wisata there [is] its bearing with change of pattern live society, the increasing of life level, existence of accretion of leeway and growing of facilities and basic facilities facility so that can reach places of di-manapun location of wisata reside in
In general have been realized that in supporting pengem-bangan of tourism sector owning is multifarious [of] manner of obyek and also fascination, [relation/link] rate, location and also the availibility of fund and various other determinant cause development storey;level which [do] not uniform. Therefore in handling, development and [his/its] construction need the existence of integrity pass by quickly sectoral either in area storey;level and also [in] center storey;level.

natural environment conservation

Spanning eastern Indonesia, parts of Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands (see the map), the Coral Triangle is the global center of marine biodiversity and one of the world’s top priorities for marine conservation. This extraordinary expanse of ocean covers an area of 2.3 million square miles (5.7 million km2), the equivalent to half of the entire United States. It is home to over 600 reef-building coral species, or 75% of all species known to science, and more than 3,000 species of reef fish. Over 150 million people live within the Coral Triangle, of which an estimated 2.25 million fishers are dependant on marine resources for their livelihoods. Applying the latest science, The Nature Conservancy is working with a range of partners to protect the coastal and marine ecosystems of this vast area by addressing key threats, such as over-fishing, destructive fishing, and mass coral bleaching.

Destructive fishing not only contributes to over-fishing, it also destroys the habitat on which exploited fish depend. Blast fishing, either with home-made or industrial explosives, is perhaps the best known example of destructive fishing. Other examples are bottom trawling, fishing with poisons, and fishing with certain kinds of fish traps. The loss of income due to blast fishing in Indonesia over the last 25 years is approximately US$3.8 billion. Global warming is already making a significant impact on marine biodiversity and the lives of those who depend on the reefs for income. A major threat to coral reefs comes from the periodic mass bleaching of corals caused by increased temperatures in the seas. In the 1998 El Nino weather event, 75% of reefs worldwide bleached and 16% died. Coral bleaching is predicted to become an annual event within 25-50 years

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Besides in order to returning fertility of land;ground hence needed [by] pattern and types solidarity of activity capable to improve farm productivity, like crop of legume capable to fasten N on the air, and also system of agrosilvopasoral ( agriculture crop kombinas, ranch and forestry) which can improve element of hara land;ground, and land;ground porosity facilitating the happening of infiltrateing, sehinggga improve;repair system of hidrologi.

Conclusion and Suggestion.

1. Management of natural sumberdaya [in] part of pate;upstream of DAS have caused the quality of downhill farm ( to the number of critical farm and need repair effort)

2. Effort to improve;repair the quality of DAS can be applied [by] form agriculture of have continuation [to] [pass/through] system of agroforestry with combination various business activity.

3. Agroroforestry with other technological input and supported by local wisdom ( knowledge indigeneous) can return condition and fertility arrange water a[n environment of DAS by considering solidarity of activity of agroforestry and election of crop type, without disregarding social and economic tatanan [of] society.

soil conservation methods

Thereby election of type very needed in solidarity of crop [at] system of agroforestry. combination of Agroforestry in the effort conservation more [in] concentrating on type composition, and formed coronet strata. This matter related to closing of farm which [is] very have an effect on to hidrologi a[n farm.

hearing conservation

According to Oosterling ( 1927), what share direct is not strightened situation [of] forest, but ability of absorbent serasah [of] timberland den and water. Though forest stay in intact situation, however as anxious as [do] not be formed or lose and land;ground have the character of solidly, channeling of surface when torrential rains remain to be big ( Notohadiprawiro,1981).

usda natural resources conservation service

Pemillihan Type Crop, and Solidarity Of Activity In related/relevant Agroforestry [of] conservation effort.

Role of agroforestry in overcoming marginal farm, Padmowijoto ( 2004), please mention that crop of leucaena ( planted [by] lamtoro) [is] meeting with distance [among/between] line one metre, can yield green manure counted 120 ton/ha/tahun, so that can give 1000 nitrogen singk, 200 phosphoric acid singk and 800 singk of potasium, equivalent successively by 100 zak ( 50 singk) sulphate ammonium, 20 zak ( 50 singk) super [of] phosphate and 24 zak ( 50 singk) Fixaksi atmosphere n muriate potasium add fertility, cheap and [do] not bother environment. Addition of green manure [of] maculata gliricidia improve content of phosphorus [about/around] 26-37% [at] various land;ground type and also improve N, Fe and of Mn.

root of Legume in system of alley cropping ( cultivation of band system) functioning as mineral pump. bar of Legume residing in above land (of) in the form of cropping alley can arrest;detain off run and can degrade oblique land;ground erosion besaran from 96,9 ton / ha become only 0,8 ton / ha and after three program year walk, land;ground hara balance become positively [of] its meaning more hara which return into land;ground compared to is missing.

conservation of angular momentum

(2004) (Sabarnurdin, Agroforestry sistem of diperoleh dapat yang [is] Lingkungan Manfaat

1. Lessening pressure to forest, so that forest area function [do] not annoyed ( arrange water, variety involve etc);

2. More efficient in element recicling of hara [pass/through] tree take root in [in] location of tsb.;

3. better protection to pate;upstream area ecology system of DAS;

4. Lessening surface stream, wash of land;ground erosion and hara ;

5. Improve;Repairing micro climate, lessening temperature surface of land;ground, lessening evapotranspirasi because combination of mulsa of crop one year / season and wings of tree;

6. Improving land;ground hara and land;ground structure [pass/through] addition which [is] kontinyu result of process of dekomposisi organic materials ; Of told theorys above, can be interpreted that system of agroforestry enough flexible to be applied [by] [in] part of critical natural river pate;upstream [of] farm, in order to cure of farm condition. Only which need to be arranged [by] [is] ;

code of federal regulations conservation reserve program

According to FAO ( 1989), agroforestri represent a[n system usage of correct farm to support agriculture of have continuation, because beside have immeasurable and real production konstribusi, also conservative function to environment and situation of social so that guarantee broader economics and higher food security.

Agroforestry basically [is] pattern of pertanaman exploiting land;ground and sunshine which is is ` in layers` to increase farm productivity. Take example [of] following. [At] a pice of land, a farmer plant sengon ( Falcataria Paraserianthes) owning coronet ( high canopy) and wide [of]. Below/Under him, the farmer plant coffee crop ( Spp Coffea) what (it) is true need wings of to [be] is productive. Coat under at elbow surface of land;ground exploited to plant or empon-empon of ganyong ( Edulis Canna) lenient / hold up to wings of. Comprehensibility that by using pattern plant this agroforestry, from a piece of farm can be yielded [by] some valuable commodity [of] economics. However in fact pattern plant agroforestry alone [do] not simply to increase farm productivity, but also protect farm of damage and prevent degradation of fertility of land;ground [pass/through] natural mechanism. Wood crop which is [is] long lived to be expected can pump Iihat vitamins of hara ( nutrient) [in] geology which in, [is] later;then transferred to surface of land;ground [pass/through] [him/it] it[him] biomasa ( Budiadi,2005)

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Fertility of land;ground [is] ability of land;ground to support growth of crop, [at] condition of appropriate environment and climate. To maintain production remain to make everlasting, hence way of to look after or maintain fertility [is] by creating usage of farm in a condition natural ekosistem ( Barrow, 1991, Maylinda al et cit, 2003).

According to Sitanala Arsyad ( 1989), land;ground conservation [is] location each;every land;ground area [at] way of usage matching with ability of the land;ground and memperlakukkannya as according to needed conditions in order not to happened damage of land;ground. Land;Ground conservation have hand in glove [relation/link] with water conservation. ( Beydha, 2002) Continueing system usage of farm very depend on its flexibility in a state of environment which continue to change. Existence of variety of sumberdaya high genetik [at] storey;level of usahatani will support this flexibility ( Reijntjes, 1999).

sasaran mendekati tindakan Beberapa pertanian of ; 2004) (Padmowijoto, berkelanjutan

1. More coming near [at] natural process, like cycle of hara, and N atmosphere fixasi.

2. Lessening usage of input of eksternal which cannot renew, potential destroy environment or menace health of consumer and farmer.

3. More productive in using biological potency and crop genetik and of species livestock.

4. Production more beneficial and efficient by emphasizing at management of[is effort integrately, and land;ground conservation, water, biological source and energi.

zoos and conservation projects

Role of Agroforestry in context of hidrologi more [at] scale of Lansekap ( Widianto,2004) :

1. Infiltrate à Peresapan.

2. Evapotranspirasi.

3. Screening ( sediment filter), hara

4. Surface Limpasan à Floods.

5. Taking care of base-flow à Dryness

conservation of energy in physics

Agroforestry in land;ground conservation and water [is] how influence of[is condition of vegetasi a[n farm carpet in arranging to arrange water improve;repair fertility of farm. How solidarity of pattern plant and kolaborasi between kinds of economic activity being based on agroforestry which [is] flange repair of environmental condition, so that benefit of multi function can be felt.

Influence of tree tutupan to current [is] in the form of ( Noordwijk, al et. 2004 :

1. Rainwater Intersepsi. During occurence of rain, tree coronet earn and mengintersepsi of menyimpan a number of rainwater in the form of flimsy coat [of] water.

2. ( waterfilm) [at] surface of bar and leaf later on will experience of evaporation before down to the ground. To the number of water able to evaporation and diintersepsi depend on wide [of] index [of] leaf ( LAI), characteristic surface of leaf, and rain characteristic. Intersepsi represent important component if amount of low rainfall, but can be disregarded [by] if high rainfall. If high rainfall, role of important tree intersepsi in its bearing with reduction of floods.

3. Energy beat rainwater. Vegetasi and coat as anxious as protecting surface of land;ground of direct blow [of] raindrop able to break land;ground aggregate, so that happened condensation of land;ground. Fall to pieces land;ground particle will cause gagging of macro land;ground pore so that pursue to infiltrate ground water, as a result surface limpasan will mount. Role of coat as anxious as in protecting surface of land;ground very influenced by its resilience to decay; as anxious as high with quality ( containing hara, especially high N) will easy to moulder so that function closing of surface of land;ground [do] not go along way.

4. Infiltrate water. Process infiltrate depend on land;ground structure [at] surface coat and various coat in land;ground profile. Land;Ground structure [is] also influenced by activity of biota which [is] its source [of] him depended to materials of organic ( as anxious as on the surface of, organic eksudasi by root, and dead roots). Availibility of food to biota ( especially earth-worm), important to anticipate the existence of process of peluruhan and gagging of macro pore [of] land;ground.

5. Water absorption. During the year absorbent crop [of] water from various geology to support process of transpirasi [at] surface of leaf. Factor– factor influencing the amount of absorption irrigate by tree [is] tree fenologi, distribution grow on and tree physiology respon to grasp of parsial available water. Absorption irrigate by tree among occurence of rain will influence the amount of water able to be kept from occurence of next rain, so that hereinafter will influence process infiltrate and surface stream. Absorption irrigate [at] dry season, specially from geology under will influence the amount of water available to ‘ tardy stream’ ( flow slow).

6. drainage of Lansekap. Level of drainage a[n lansekap ( unfold farm) influenced by some factor for example crudity of surface of land;ground, relief surface of conducive land;ground [of] water live in surface of longer land;ground so that push the happening of infiltrateing, formed channel type effect of stream surface of which can trigger the happening of ‘ stream quickly ground water’ ( flow quick).

coastal conservation association

Agroforestry in the effort Conservation Land;Ground and Water.

According To Professor Faculty Of Technology Agriculture Of UGM, Prof Dr. Ir. Muhjidin Mawardi MENG, that there are at least four primary factor determining efficacy of land;ground conservation engineering and water, that is nature of land;ground physical and farm, nature of rain, interaction [among/between] rain with farm and land;ground yielding water of limpasan surface and infiltrate, and also deposit irrigate in land;ground. ( Ujianto,2006).

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Solidarity of Forest ranch and pine.

3. Agrosilvopastoral : crop, grass field / livestock food and tree, management of forest farm to produce agricultural produce and forestry concurrently and at the same time look after livestock animal.

4. Other system , which cover : Silvofishery : fish and tree of Apiculture : bee and tree of Sericulture : silkworm and tree Besides system practices of agroforestry above Marseno ( 2004), also present other form [of] system of agroforestry being based on the continuation of environment that is ;

1. Riperian Buffer Forest ( Forest Prop of riverbank ; its function take care of natural condition alongside river, taking care of erosion and improve biodiversitas. Prop systems [do] not just for riverbank ekosistim, but also give protection to pengeolahan of land;ground [about/around] him.

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There are some way of classification of agroforestry among others : pursuant to tree component combination, crop, grass field / livestock food and other component which found in agroforestry ( Sa’Ad 2002)

1. Agrosilviculture : Mixture Crop and tree, where usage of farm consciously to produce agriculture pickings and forestry.

2. Silvopastoral : Field Grass / livestock food and tree, management of forest farm to produce result of wood and at the same time look after livestock.

piaget conservation

King ( 1978) and Koppelman dkk., ( 1996) [is] such as those which cited [by] Sa’Ad ( 2002) mentioning that system of agroforestry can be grouped according to function and structure, as environmental adaptation and agroekologi, nature of economic sosio, cultural aspect and habit ( custom), and way of its management.

System Implementation of Agroforestry

environmental conservation

Agroforrestry represent a[n assumed concept precisely to alli farming concepts in order to make-up of conservation and economics.

Congeniality of Agroforestry.

Hudges ( 2000) and Koppelman dkk.,(1996) defining Agroforestry as form grow designedly and manage tree by together with agriculture crop and or livestock food in system with aim to become to have continuation ecologyly is, social and economic. Simply [is] to plant tree in agriculture system. ( Sa’Ad, 2002) Reijntjes, ( 1999), expressing Agroforestry as exploiting of annual wood crop by seksama ( grove, bush, palm, bamboo) at one particular unit management of [is] same farm as competent crop plant, grassland and or animal, good with arrangement of room mixturely or in place and [is] same moment and also alternately from time to waktu.(Sa’ad, 2002) And Chandler King, ( 1978) in Andayani, ( 2005) defining agroforestry [is] ; A[N system management of everlasting farm to increase result of, by alliing production result of food crop ( including result of pohon-pohonan) with forestry crop and/or activity of ranch either through together and also successive [at] a piece of [is] same farm, and use the way of management matching with pattern culture of local resident

student conservation association

There are some technology to rehabilitate farm in its bearing with going concern development ( Sinukaban, 2003) in Suhardi ( 2003) that is :

1. Agronomi covering is technical [of] agronomis like TOT, minimum of tillage, farming countur, mulsa, crop innings ( rotation crop), management of crop residu, etc.

2. Vegetatif in the form of agroforestry, cropping alley, cultivation of grass.

3. Struktur/Konstruksi that is conservation building like terrace;core, dam, draught cheque, Channel, etc.

4. Management in the form of change of usage of farm

national hearing conservation association

According to Sinukaban ( 1995), [is] such as those which cited [by] Marwah ( 2001), in system of usahatani conservation will be realized [by] the following marking :

1. production of Usahatani high enough so that farmer remain to be enthusiastic continue its effort

2. Earnings of farmer which high enough so that farmer can design its family future from its earnings [of] him.

3. applied [by] technology [is] technological goodness [of] conservation technology and also production can be taken in good part and applied down alley farmer alone so that system of usahatani the can be continued without intervention from outside.

4. immeasurable laboured commodity enough, according to condition of biofisik, social and economic.

5. Erosion smaller than tolerance erosion able to so that high production remain to earn to be defended or improved with function of hidrologis remain to be looked after better.

6. System penguasaan/pemilikan of farm can guarantee long term investment security and excite farmer to remain to berusahatani.

law of conservation of linear momentum

Systems management of farm with approach of conservation focussed [by] [at] form strive land;ground conservation and water utilize penanggulangan of surface erosion and take care of the loss of kesuburuan of land;ground. Without existence of cultivation techniques which [is] dot weigh against [at] conservation, hence will more and more critical farm, and can only be managed in short-range, whereas in the long term, its productivity will be downhill.

Critical farm [is] farm which because is inappropriate [of] usage of land;ground and [his/its] ability, have experienced of or in course of damage of fisik-kimia-biologi, what finally endanger function of hidro-orologi, agro product, settlement and life of economic social of environmental area [of] its influence. Critical farm and marjinal in Indonesia reach 43 million ha, among others 20 million critical ha its it[him] and every year still increase ( Soewandito, al et 2002).

To improve;repair the condition of farm which have destroyed, hence can [to] strive land;ground conservation, with technical rekayasa-rakayasa. But strive land;ground conservation and this water in improve;repairing and also improve farm produkstifitas, shall really precise as according to condition of farm election of vegatasi and also climate.

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Farming Conservation.

Conservation farming [is] cultivation of farm with food crop and also functioning crop to lessen erosion ( surface stream) and maintain fertility of land;ground.

Farming conservation principle :

• Lessening as small as possible surface current and soak up its water equal to possible into land;ground.

• Minimizing negative influence [of] rainwater which fall [at] surface of land;ground • Exploiting as maximal as natural resources by paying attention continuity.

abstract on energy conservation and management

1. Management of farm.

• Down alley farm.

• Returning crop pickings into land;ground.

• Protecting farm of erosion threat by planting ground cover crop • Usage of mulsa.

2. Management of Water.

Management of water [is] the effort development of sumberdaya irrigate in the case of :

• Amount of adequate water.

• Quality of water.

• Available [of] water during the year.

3. Management of Vegetasi.

Management of vegetasi [at] capture forest irrigate and also conservancy of vegetasi as long as river stream, can be gone through by:

• Cultivation with crop take root fiber like: bamboo [is] which [is] very suggested [by] [in] river boundary, [is] later;then followed with livestock food grass like: Bulrush, Grass Setaria, Grass King, and others as him. This cultivation [is] meant for barrier the happening of erosion [at] land;ground.

• Cultivation of season crop for farm which [do] not have inclination • Making of terrace;core. If/When [at] the farm there are inclination, hence require to be made [by] terrace;core.

water conservation tips

[So that/ to be] continuity of natural resources and compatibility of ekosistem can give continual benefit hence management of DAS must be done as good as possible, covering :

1. Management of natural resources able to innovate.

2. Continuity and compatibility of ekosistem ( environment)

3. Accomplishment of requirement of going concern human being.

4. Operation of interrelationship [among/between] natural resources with human being of[is Effort fundamental in pickling of water and land;ground cover ( Et Zulrasdi, al. 2005):

water conservation tips

[So that/ to be] continuity of natural resources and compatibility of ekosistem can give continual benefit hence management of DAS must be done as good as possible, covering :

1. Management of natural resources able to innovate.

2. Continuity and compatibility of ekosistem ( environment)

3. Accomplishment of requirement of going concern human being.

4. Operation of interrelationship [among/between] natural resources with human being of[is Effort fundamental in pickling of water and land;ground cover ( Et Zulrasdi, al. 2005):

league of conservation voters

Part of pate;upstream [is] all important zona which require to be paid attention in the effort continuation of Drainage basin. Management of natural sumberdaya [in] this area will affect [at] quality of water and land;ground [about/around] DAS. Effort agriculture here shall be strived to adopt teknologi-tenologi which [is] mangacu [at] conservation prinsip-prinsi, because change of vegetasi like openness of farm, hence will affect to make-up of erosion, and other impacts related to farm degradasi.

According to Zulrasdi et, al ( 2005) Damage of drainage basin very hand in glove its [relation/link] with continuity of forest [in] headwaters as rain capture area. If natural forest [of] damage, hence can be ascertained [to] happened floods [at] drainage basin. For that try farmer [in] area of DAS, have to follow [by] farm conservation.

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Mutilation of environment in Indonesia continue to show its impact. Newest data [of] Ministry of State Environment show, tens of drainage basin or of DAS enter critical category. Data in Status Environment Indonesia report book ( SLHI) Year 2006 that at the same time [is] also interpreted [by] the condition of DAS ke-60 concern. " Some that drainage basin parameter mean below the mark," word Lead Area River of Deputi III State'S Minister Environment Area of[is Make-Up of Conservation Natural Resources and Operation Of Damage Of Environment of Hermono Sigit [in] Jakarta. ( Compass, 2007) Negative impact which generated by damage of the DAS very is harming [of] life of resident, like floods, dryness, erosion, sedimentation, downhill [of] fertility of land;ground, downhill agro product, etcetera. Damage of the DAS require to [is] immediately handled comprehensively [pass/through] planning of management of good DAS so that damage of environment earn [is] immediately minimized and in turn can give the make-up of the quality of environment and prosperity of resident

conservation officer

Amount of accomodated water [in] root area represent important factor to determine important value [of] forestry and also farmland.

Role to four [is] in operation of current. Most problem of distribution of sumberdaya irrigate always relate to room dimension and time. This Akhirakhir we [is] a more regular given on to a[n abundant situation [of] water [at] the rains and water insuffiency [in] dry season. Till now still trusted that forest can control to cycle its meaning water [of] forest earn menyimpan irrigate during the rains and discharging [him/ it] [in] dry season. This trust [is] based to the still evidence society liver adherence that many source of water from within.

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Third role [is] can control clammy height [of] timberland. Land;Ground have ability for the menyimpan of water ( clammy [of] land;ground), because owning ronggarongga able to fill with air / dilution or have the character of porous. Clammy shares [of] irremovable land;ground of land;ground by way of experiencing of that is with osmosis, permanent deposit capacities or gravitation a[n land;ground measured with its ground water content [at] permanent wilt dot that is [at] ground water content of terendah where extract crop can irrigate from land;ground pore room to its gravitation style. this [is] same Wilt dot for all crop [at] certain land;ground ( Seyhan, 1977). [At] storey;level dampness of this wilt dot [of] crop unable to again permeate water from within land;ground.

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attention from [all] researcher especially for area with certain vegetasi. Recently which at most getting attention [is] Pine forest area. To [reply/ answer] the kekawatiran [of] Perum Perhutani have cooperated with UGM, IPB and of Unibraw in research about balance irrigate Pine forest area.

During 5 research year [done/conducted] by UGM ( Sri Astuti et-al, 1998) got [by] information that evapotranspirasi that happened [in] Pine forest in gyration equal to 1002 - 1253 mm / th or 29 - 69 % from annual rain falling the. The number peep out a[n decision to recommend that Pine can be developed at one particular area having is thick [of] rain ³ 2000 mm / th. By researcher team of PPLH Unibraw ( Utomo Et-Al, 1998) please tell that Pine suggested [do] not be planted [by] [in] area which [is] its rainfall < 1500 mm / th, [is] by researcher team of Faculty Forestry of IPB ( Manan Et - al 1998) Pine suggested to be to be planted [by] [in] area with rainfall ³ 2000 mm / th, so that [do] not influence to arrange area water.

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Evapotranspirasi take place when vegetasi not lack of water supply, or reside in among permanent wilt dot and spacious capacities. Vegetasi need water to the transportation of element of hara from within land;ground for the metabolism of plant to its life. Through leaf, water coming from land;ground evaporated as part of physiological process [of] crop of[is so-called transpirasi. In this case transpirasi or because is hard [of] him dissociated with evaporation hence [is] often united to become evapotranspirasi.

Evapotranspirasi have important influence to level of land;ground cistern especially for rainy area lower. Referring to [the] mentioned hence evapotranspirasi that happened from a[n area, have started getting many 12.

grand river conservation authority

Role of forest to cycle operation [of] water started from role of coronet of menyimpan irrigate intersepsi. [In] climax forest of intersepsi can reach number 25 – 35 % from annual rain falling and [in] Pine forest can reach 16-20 % from annual rain falling ( Sri Astuti et-al, 1998).

second Uppermost role which also often become the source of cause of kekawatiran of society [is] evapotranspirasi. Some anticipated factor share to level of evapotranspirasi for example [is] sun radiasi, temperature, dampness of air, speed of wind and availability of water in land;ground or [is] often referred [as] is clammy [of] land;ground. Clammy [of] land;ground share to the happening of evapotranspirasi.

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careful result of research [done/conducted] by Dodi Supriadi ( 1998) concluded that value of intangible prima facie protected forest [of] him as penyedia of water have economic value six times bigger than wood value, even totalize benefit value of intangible forest ( recreation plus, environmental quality and wildlife) will be bigger progressively again.

In this time many researcher have [done/conducted] various research to connect treatments of forest to behavior of hidrologi. Matter which have been accepted in general [is] that usage of vegetasi [cover/conclusion] of forest will be able to improve;repair current fluctuation ( Seyhan, 1990). Facing various fact above hence attention of people start to look into forest as a(n) system prop of life and [do] not only as wood producer. Forest with its wide [of] spreading, with structure and [his/its] immeasurable composition can provide very big benefit to human life for example protection service to floods, erosion, sedimentation and slide farm.

conservation projects

This number in fact still lower if compared to with ready target [of] town mother amount of water required of provinsi in Indonesia equal to 130 l/hari/kapita, and [in] DKI 220 l/hari/kapita. Various Europe state and that North America number have ranged from 300 – 600 l/hari/kapita and during llama [do] not will go up to become 500 – 1000 l/hari/kapita. ( Hehanusa PE, 1999), medium indirectly in fact human being require water much more big that is 2600 l/hari/kapita because to yield 1 rice singk needed [by] 4160 water l, 1 sugar singk needed [by] 1040 l irrigate and 1 flesh singk required [by] 20.860 water l ( FAO, 1996 in Hidayat Pawitaan, 1999). Despitefully raced of growth of economics, request of good water sumberdaya [of] amount and also quality him progressively mount also and [in] certain places exceed its availability. This matter cause water sumberdaya can become scarce goods. this [is] Apprehension more affirmed by is expert [of] world in its meeting network start from meeting [in] Roma, Stockholm, Dublin, Rio De Janeiro and last [in] Paris in June 1998 in “ International Coonference World Water the in on 21 Century th” please conclude that threat there will be [his/its] [of] crisis irrigate [in] early century 21 is not a[n fantasy ( Hehanusa PE, 1999). Ironically the rare of the water sumberdaya [do] not be expressed by appreciation of people of water sumberdaya. Of existing fact see that sumberdaya irrigate still not yet got protection maximally to maintain balance irrigate optimal area. The happening of contamination many place and the happening of depilatory of forest here and there indicate that attention to continuity of water sumberdaya need totally improved ( KMNLH, 1997). In this time

fl energy efficiency and conservation block grant

[Is] evaluated from the aspect of civilization of human being, cycle [of] water can influence also by condition of economic social and tehnologi mastered by human being. In century 21 forwards [is] progressively felt [by] there will be [his/its] [of] limitation of nature in providing water to life. what overflows of Sumberdaya water had [by] Indonesia [do] not guarantee abundance its[his] [is] availibility of area water [at] room dimension and time dimension. Climate variation [of] and also system susceptance of sumberdaya irrigate to change of climate of crisis status memperparah irrigate that is at the height of floods frequency and dryness length, so that the availibility of water progressively cannot make balance to the make-up of amount of water required to various usage. In Clean One Day Seminar Amount Of Water Required and Rights of Azazi Human being [in] Bogor on 25 Februari 1999 expressed that availibility of clean water equal to 50 l/hari/kapita as human being human right require to be overspread so that [is] fair the siding of to entire/all resident [so that/ to be] obtaining clean water rights to its life directly minimize 10

energy conservation products

Various symptom which grow and expand [in] society in general, it can be indication that our society in this time [is] strarting to experience of change which [is] possibility will show different demand with previous situation. Beside that resident mobility and growth which quickly will race with well-balanced ketidak [among/between] availibility of cheap natural sumberdaya at the height of requirement. Beside that height of[is amount of resident which [is] also followed by fast height [of] accretion of resident will cause the increasing of requirement of farm will for the production of settlement and and also the increasing of requirement of sumberdaya irrigate veryly [is] necessary for life. Effect of to the number of farm changing over function which at first represent diffusion area become agriculture area and settlement will cause annoyed of cycling area water. [Do] not fail to concern very the hoisterous of foray of forest resulting to the number of deforestation which [do] not terencana result role of forest as cycle controller [of] area water become annoyed. Water viewed as [by] sumberdaya have multidimensi that is availability during ( dry season or the rains), in room ( mount reach coast), in standard amount and quality [of] appropriate quality [of] requirement or allotment [him/ it] ( Tedjoyuwono N, 1994 and Soedjarwadi, 1994). Naturally cycle water [in] a[n area determined by typical marking [of] environment of geofisik.

conservation biology

Cycle operation [of] water, erosion and slide farm represent a[n indivisible activity as is second [of] currency side representing one unity. Recently society more and more sustaining expectation [at] forest to overcome the problem of cycle operation [of] water, erosion and slide farm. Very expectation require to be supported with to be able to realize [him/it] because many excess of forest ekosistem to be able to realize the expectation. However require to realize with that its role value to third [the] mentioned above very determined by wide [of], type, plant character, situation of its forest structure and growth. Beside that to a[n situation of certain forest ekosistem [of] the role limited by situation of climate, geology, land;ground character and of geomorfologi. For example for area which by geologis gristle slide farm, to area having high rain intensity and precipitous bevel, exactly with closing of forest too meeting and [his/its] big tree, malahan will cause the happening of sliding farm. This fact awake all of us that we need to recognize factors influencing the happening of erosion, cycle [of] water and slide farm. In effort to overcome the the problems hence in developing and also forest of agroforestry require to pay attention land;ground factor, climate, crop, and geology of geomorfologi and also the problem of kependudukan to recognize character of run potential off, farm stability and do not less important [is] recognition of crop character among others which in the form of evapotranspirasi, dekomposisi as anxious as, crop mechanic burden and growth, such as those which can be checked [by] [at] Picture hereunder.

energy conservation tips

DAS Solo as does Indonesia in general as a(n) area which [is] have tropical climate. [In] some place have tendency of have high rain intensity [to], [in] some place have surging farm form, hilly and also have mount [to] with condition of potency owner slide big enough farm.

Beside that resident disseminating often take no account of regional planology or countryside planology, hence to avoid the existence of victim, require to be [done/conducted] the effort [so that/ to be] society protected from calamity [at] other opportunity. That effort can in the form of require to compile of returning countryside planology or by giving counselling to society how to detect, anticipation and overcome the heartbreaking event which [is] very. Beside that also can by improve;repairing pattern management of [his/its] friendlier farm [of] environment so that floods, dryness and slide farm [do] not happened. Many effort able to be [done/conducted] in order to preventing or even fraternize ( owning high adaptation storey;level) with floods and slide farm in ecology environment cooling.

conservation jobs

Forest As Cycle Controller [of] Water and Slide Farm.

[At] a period of/to certain especially in the early the rains or by the end of our the rains often hear and read news about floods and slide farm [in] some area. This occurence [of] goods have of course generate concern of all of us.

Occurence for the shake of occurence recently continue to catch up to catch up to be started from Cilacap, Purworejo, Kulonprogo, Acheh, Sumatra West, West Java and of Menado. Event of floods and slide farm have swallowed [soul/ head] victim and good and chattel by dozens so that emerge question why happened that way and how to anticipate [him/it] so that the natural event can avoid or lessened [by] [his/its] negative impact.

definition of conservation of energy

By offering combination result of, productivity more everlasting. Existence of tree component which can be arranged [by] its result collection only if needed, because if [do] not be needed can be let [by] life without damage kawatir and even its value will increase. Continuity of result more clarified with addition of[is existence of ranch area production, [is] consuming daily can be sustained by agriculture crop product. product of Agroforestry can more improved to become oriented product [at] agribisnis with support of private sector or local government take example to provide factory processing of result for example factory management of other commodity or pineapple in middle small scale.

Opportunity to using of system of agroforestry in management of farm [is] also caused by ( Sabarnurdin, 2002 :

1. Agroforestry [is] method of biologis for the conservation of and conservancy of ground cover at the same time give connective opportunity [of] land;ground conservation with water conservation.

2. With productive agroforestry can be used to look after and increase product at the same time with erosion precaution.

3. Activity of productive conservation enlarge possibility accepting of conservation by society as willingness of themselves. The using of diagnostic technics and designing to formulate pattern plant partisipatively represent excess from is technics [of] agroforestry.

international energy conservation code

Differ from agriculture area and also purification forestry, contribution of agroforestry in the field of economic social can more varying because its effort component more immeasurable. Addition again besides opening possibility to increase economic efficiency and make-up of life level can also generate effect multiplier and of agroforestry also improve;repair and also improve the condition of environment ( Anonimus, 2000). Weakness [all] farmer in general [is] [at] system marketing of result.

mo conservation

Technics [of] Management of Conservative and Productive Farm Through Agroforestry.

Changing of it Map effect of existence of resident pressure and intensification exploiting of farm sumberdaya, flange [at] confession to agroforestry as system al;ternatif management of farm in order to development of have good continuation [to] [is] plateau and also [in] lowland ( Sabarnurdin, 2002).

water conservation products

To Local Government.

1. Decreasing of it problem of searcher of [job/activity].

2. The Increasing Of Earnings of Genuiness Area.

d. To Drainage basin.

1. More in control it[him] process floods and erosion.

2. The forming of balmier ekosistem to life.

conservation easement

To Private sector

1. The available of industrial raw material [of] wood everlastingly to middle small scale industry.

2. The available of industrial raw material [of] agriculture because pattern of agroforestry also include;cover crop of agroindustri for example plantation crop and fruit.

3. Expanding of it effort ranch

soil conservation service


a. To Society.

1. The available of continuous work field caused by activity deversitas in managing agroforestry.

2. Make-Up of prosperity of society will happened with existence of agricultural produce deversifikasi, ranch and forestry.

new york state department of environmental conservation


a. Pattern of Agroforestry become society choice pattern in managing inwrought and everlasting farm sumberdaya.

b. Will immediately emerge society independence in managing farm sumberdaya because pattern of Agroforestry represent pattern which have been recognized [by] society since llama.

energy conservation kits


Socialization Aspect Management of farm is to give picture to various stakeholder the core important local government and society for the importance of management of inwrought and everlasting farm.

klahoma department of wildlife conservation

This area often face the problem of floods and often happened water intrusi go out to sea especially [at] dry season.

Problems - problems above very hand in glove its bearing with management of farm Goods have of course need a[n simple tehnologi which possible can be applied by [all] farmer directly for example pattern of agroforestry like have been explained [by] [in] former page;yard.

Intention, Target of and Usefulness

california conservation corps

Capture area ( DTA) Accumulating basin of Gadjah Mungkur consist of some set of fisiografi that is set of Mount of Lawu, Mountain Of Glorious Batur, Mountain Of South have Stone [to] of Vulkanis and also Mountain of South have Limestone.

1. [In] DTA Accumulating basin of Gadjah Mungkur have happened erosion enough heavily marked [by] the existence of mains rock emerging, ditch erosion and sedimentation. From 102 Sub of DAS [in] DAS Solo covering 23 sub-province region, there [is] 28 Sub of DAS owning big erosion potency. erosion of Aktual smallest that happened [is] 4,72 ton/Ha/th [in] Sub of DAS Precel and biggest erosion happened [in] Sub of DAS Dengkeng equal to 195,84 ton/Ha/th ( Anonimus, 2002).

2. Capture area irrigate [among/between] Natty Mount and its Lawu farm very fertile so that cause growth of industry and settlement [in] this [is] region very fast. Affect that happened [is] household waste and factory waste will contaminate ground water, stream coefficient will mount so that erosion even also potentially mount also.

3. Watercourse of Bengawan Solo [in] area of Sragen, Ngawi, [in] upstate come from area Mountain of Kendeng have type [to] of intermitten ( emiting a stream of when the rains) because water capture area [do] not too wide [of] storey;level pass of low rock ( napal), and also rainfall ± 2000 mm / th with dry month;moon 5-6 months with scarce and high stream koefisiensi [of] ground water.

4. Bengawan Madiun emit a stream of from Sub-Province area of Ponorogo, Madiun and of Magetan. Part of pate;upstream [in] sub-province area of Ponorogo the condition of farm very [is] critical marked [by] the existence of ditch erosion, slide mains rock appearance and farm ( Anonimus, 2002).

5. Area of Bengawan Solo Go downstream by fisiografi in the form of Mountain of Apex [in] northside river, Mountain of Kendeng [in] side river south and plain of aluvial.

florida fish and wildlife conservation commission

Behavior of DAS include;cover the nature of and morfometri of hidrologis. Morfometri DAS very determined by condition of fisiografi ( aid and topography) and climate especially rain. Nature of morfometri [among/between] for example pattern groove river, form DAS, elevasi and inclination of DAS. [In] Sub of DAS Bengawan Solo Pate;Upstream there are Accumulating basin of Gadjah Mungkur with capture area for the width of 1350 Km2 by 7 especial river fruit in it.

missouri dept of conservation

Agroforestry as system usage of farm more and more to be accepted by society because proven to the advantage of development of economic social, as ajang enableness of farmer society and continuation of natural sumberdaya and management of rural area environment. This pattern [is] felt [by] very [is] compatible developed [by] [in] DAS Solo Pate;Upstream which many area have oblique topography [to], so that many erosion, ownership of narrow;tight farm with high agrarian density ± 6 people / Ha ( CDMP, 2001).

conservation of natural resources

These days Young ( 1997) in Sabarnurdin ( 2002) expressing that there is new approach [of] land;ground conservation of[is so-called husbandry land which [is] realized in farming with approach of conservation. Distinguish from this approach [is]:

1. Focussed [at] loss of land;ground and [his/its] influence to result of crop so that attention the core important not again [at] physical building but to method of biologis for conservation as does cultivation of [cover/conclusion] of farm.

2. Alliing land;ground conservation action and conservation irrigate so that society get direct advantage of effort.

3. Prohibit to farm bevel non solving of problem. Action like this cannot be accepted socially and is political. Which must look for [by] [is] method farm which can maintain continuity of farm sumberdaya and nature.

4. Farm conservation will succeed if (there are) any participation of society especially [all] farmer. Society motivation will arise if/when them see advantage to be obtained.

5. all important again [is] needing the existence of the understanding of that activity of farm conservation [is] integral part from effort repair of farming system.

wildlife conservation society

What a important is/are the problem of this conservation require to be paid attention if considering that farming in Indonesia this handled by small businessman if evaluated from ownership of farm. Ownership of farm [in] DAS Solo as does [in] other DAS [of] mean [is] small and big possibility will always decrease always him time [him/ it].

Awareness will the importance of farm conservation in fact have since llama, just however always there [is] difference [among/between] desire [all] farmer of owner of farm with [all] land;ground conservation expert because usually the existence of limitation of expense from [all] farmer to execute needed treatments. This matter [is] caused by [at] approach of concentration llama activity of conservation [is] on making of terrace;core building bangunan2, other building and channels and [is] often [done/conducted] by prohibiting people plant [in] oblique farm, etc.

mo dept of conservation

Farm represent the part of unfolding farm ( Lanscape) covering physical environment of[is including climate, topography / relief, land;ground hidrologi and situation of all natural vegetasi potentially will have an effect on to usage of farm. Usage of farm [in] Drainage basin ( DAS) Solo like in general [in] other DAS marginally can be grouped to become: forest, non irigated dry field, plantation, rice field, other usage and settlement. Stipulating of usage of farm [is] in general relied on farm characteristic and energy support its environment. Form usage of existing farm can study again [pass/through] process evaluate farm sumberdaya, so that can know [by] potency of sumberdaya farm to various its use. To be more extend pattern management of farm sumberdaya needed [by] farming tehnologi which [do] not too tied with pattern usage of farm and will be more be hard again its result if development of agriculture still [pass/through] sectoral approach without there [is] integration in the plan and also its implementation. Agroforestry [is] productive farming pattern which not even conservation method mengetengahkan but also economic method.

conservation international

From the research pickings can disimpul¬kan that effort management of dry farming - critical in a[n agriculture system have to consider ability storey;level and its [his/its] and also have to follow by land;ground conservation action and water by me¬madai . Some researcher have tried to develop pattern plant appropriate for dry farming locally ( Toha, 1990; Hardianto, 1990c; and Rachman, 1990). Its its[his] [all] this researcher [of] difficulty menghada¬pi in compiling correct polatanam because limitation of information of sumberdaya farm having the character of is local, and so do in¬formasi about its [his/its]

water conservation facts

Result of research [done/conducted] by P3Hta about pattern of usahatani dry farming [at] season plant 1985 / 1986 giving information that introduksi polatanam : maize + peanut ( or soy + ubikayu, followed [by] maize + soy ( or green peanut), and followed [by] bean delay payment more efficient in exploiting agriculture sumberdaya and more productive than pattern plant traditionally ( P3Hta, 1987). A[N opportunity which its [of] big enough him [in] dry farming [is] banana crop usahatani and coconut ( Nuhar¬Diya¬Ti, 1988; Djumali and is Beefy, 1988). Both types of this komodi¬tas in the reality earnings supply and opportunity of [job/activity] can to farmer of dry farming, either through direct and also indirectly. Fertilization of urea, TSP and of KCL in the reality can improve productivity both [of] this tanman by signifikan. This researchs have started to entangle land;ground conservation aspect, fast [of] and erosion of limpasan surface have started to be perceived and measured [by] [in] field, [is] so that needed [by] fund which quite a lot and have to beat time seasonally ( Thamrin, 1990; Soelaiman, 1990). Besides, this researchs still not yet erosion pickings mengana¬lisis and of limpasan surface integrated with economic analysis, not yet [to] analyse sensitivity of and erosion of lim¬pasan surface to variation [of] form activity of land;ground conservation, and also not yet long-range impact possibilities memper-hitungkan [of] him. Seems kom- technological ponen [of] system of usahatani good enough dry farming to support program of intensifi- kasi [is] livestock ( Hardianto, 1990a; Hardianto, 1990 b; and Lubis, 1990). Hijauan livestock pakan Introduksi, including bush and also grass / grove and clump, can give double benefit, that is erosion danger mengu¬rangi and of limpasan surface, and also yield hijauan pakan. Special [of] type grass setaria in the reality have good enough opportunity to be developed [by] [in] dry lakan, because having value of gizi which

conservation ontario

effect of Eksternalitas in certain boundarys also relate to farm sumberdaya de¬gradasi which [is] its influence earn happened to production process. [At] agriculture farm [in] effect river headwaters of eksternalitas the interconnected to usually sliver with intensity enterpasing of farm which is on its it[him] very immeasurable ( Suwardjo and of Saefuddin, 1988).

Condition of immeasurable dry farming sumberdaya which [is] very and condition of climate which [is] have fluctuation [to] become factor of pemba¬tas determining technological implementation effectiveness storey;level [of] existing management ( P3Hta, 1987, Is¬Pandi, 1990; and Sembiring, 1990). Special in the case of land;ground conservation and water, constraint faced [by] [is] land;ground erodibilitas and of erosivitas very high rain, factor of le¬reng and of fisiografi ( Suwardjo and of Saefudin, 1988). In a condition like this hence land;ground conservation tin¬dakan have to dibarengi with intensification of usahatani and rehabilitate la¬han. One of [the] intensification effort of usahatani dry farming [is] with election of kultivar, arrangement of pattern plant entangling season crop and of tanam¬an annual, and also livestock of dibarengi with cultivation of grass / crop of hijauan pakan ( Anwarhan, Supriadi, and Sugandi, 1991).

bat conservation international

In course of agro product, inputs which in the form of material, tekno¬logi, elements and menejemen of agro ecology will be processed to yield outputs which in the form of crop pickings and livestock. Peripheral pickings and waste of the production process can in the form of result of sediment, result of water, and chemical bahan-ba¬han able to become environmental pencemar. This its waste [is] it[him] transported [by] out of system produce and generate the expense of effect and eksternal of eksternalitas ( Soemarno, 1990). Usually agro product system [in] river headwaters of mempu¬nyai effect of eksternal which enough wide [of] and will be suffered by society [in] area under. In a[n drainage basin having irrigating building like bendung¬an, accumulating basin and irrigation network, effect of eksternalitas the become serious progressively, because can menace continuity of buildings.

Various effort have been [done/conducted] to control effect of eksternalitas, but its result still not yet is adequate. This matter because of because market mechanism cannot work for allocation of eksternalitas ( Soemarno, 1990). So that agriculture producer [in] headwaters do not want to account the expense of eksternal which its its[his]. Beside that, expense of to control effect of eksternalitas the relative compared to big sa¬ngat [of] production cost and acceptance of usahatani. In kon¬disi like this needed [by] interference policy of government. Davies and of Kamien ( 1972) telling bebera¬pa kinds of governmental interference for the mengendali¬kan of effect of eksternalitas, that is:

: ( i) the prohibition order,

: ( guidance ii),

: ( iii) activity of sample,

: ( Iease iv) or subsidy,

: ( arrangement v) ( regulasi),

: ( vi) fine or penalization, and.

: ( security action vii)

whale and dolphin conservation society


On the basis of above mentioned things hence evaluation according to farm agroekologis for the peng¬gunaan of agriculture still viewed as [by] neck bottle in methodologies framework per¬encanaan of system management of farm. Some procedure and method evaluate agroekologis can be used [by] for the sake of this ( FAO, 1976; Wood and of Dent, 1983). This methods still convergent to aspect of agroekologi, aspect se¬dangkan of sosial-ekonomi-budaya still not yet been entangled directly. And so do its, approach of agroekonomi to evaluate dry farming usahatani which is [is] inveterate to be used till in this time usually also not yet direct secsara meli¬batkan [of] aspects of agroekologis. During the time researchs for environmental manipulation grow [at] dry farming [done/conducted] with method of eksperi¬mental [in] very field [of] ter¬gantung [at] season, needing old time and supporter sumberdaya which quite a lot ( P3Hta, 1987).

forest conservation

Referring to quality of farm physical, efficacy a[n system management of dry la¬han ( like for example conservation usahatani) [is] also limited by conditions- conditions of agroekologis ( especially according to land;ground and availability of water). Concord of condition of agroeko¬logis become the basis for fundamental in development of commodity agriculture of dry farming. Deviation of this conditions not merely of economic loss menimbul¬kan, but also will result biaya-sosial which in the form of kemero- sotan of[is quality of farm sumberdaya ( Brinkman and of Smyth, 1973). [In] certain locations, like farm of kering-kritis [in] part of pate;upstream of DAS, the social cost can have the character of internal like apparition of critical land;grounds and have the character of eksternal like sedi¬mentasi [in] various territorial water facility ( Rauschkolb, 1971). Soekardi and of Eswaran ( 1991) telling some process and characteristic that goes on in mountain ekosistem ( areas highland) which can become constraint or supporter of system development of going concern agriculture. Three characteristic of ekosistem very important [is] ( 1) climate, ( 2) landform, and ( 3) land;ground sumberdaya. While two process which related to the marking [is] process of geomorfik processs and of pedologis. Condition of climate distinguished by height of place more than 800 dpl m, annual rainfall more 2000 mm, temperature of rataan 15-29oC with land;ground temperature regime of isothermik or of isohiperthermik. [At] condition of like this usually clammy regime variation [of] [of] land;ground [is] Backwoods and Ustik. Condition of mountain ekosistem like this have excellence of comparability to development of type berba¬gai usage of agriculture farm with many system choice of pertanaman ( systems cropping). Potency like this practically inviting many invesment from outside area to " tilling" farm morely intensive. In the end this matter will be able to result appearance " difference" ever greater [among/between] intensity penggu¬naan of sumberdaya with characteristic of sumberdaya. If this abysmal difference [of] energy support sumberdaya

missouri conservation

Management of Sumberdaya Farm.

Farm have role of vital importance to human life. All kinds of form intervence human being by siklis and permanent to fulfill requirement of [his/its] life, both for having the character of material and also spirituil coming from farm come within in congeniality of usage of farm, or use land ( Sys, 1985). With double role, hence in the effort its management, often happened collision among development sectors needing farm. Phenomenon like this oftentimes result usage of farm less as according to its its[his] kapabi. In its [relation/link] with usage of this farm, there [is] three factor which [is] mem¬pengaruhi assess farm, that is ( i) the quality of farm physical, ( farm location ii) to pickings market produce and its production medium market, and ( interaction iii) among both. ever greater Farm value if its quality [of] good him progressively and its location closer with market ( Norton, 1984).

sea shepherd conservation society

Evaluation According to Farm.

According to farm intrinsically represent peng- picture mount kecocokan a piece of farm to a[n certain usage ( Sitorus, 1985). In the field of perta¬nian, according to farm related to its use to the effort agriculture. Brinkman and of Smyth ( 1973) have found some quality of farm determining storey;level according to farm to crop. Quality of this farm [is] the availibility of ground water, availibility of element of hara, energy arrest;detain element of hara, acidity, resilience to erosion, nature of processing land;ground, condition of climate, and crop root area condition. This conception have been developed furthermore by Soepraptohardjo and of Robinson ( 1975), which have told some other important factor, that is effective deepness [of] land;ground, land;ground tekstur [in] root area, available water pore, stones on the surface of land;ground, fertility of land;ground, reaction of land;ground, poisoned of hara, inclination, land;ground erodibilitas, and situation of klimat agro.

A[N [common/ public] schema for the evaluation of agriculture farm have been developed by FAO ( 1976). According to this schema [of] pregnant farm term [of] environmental meaning [of] physical including climate, relief, land;ground, water, and vegetasi. Process evaluate farm intrinsically entangle classification of interpretatif, both for having the character of qualitative and also kuan¬titatif. System evaluate farm with computer ( Land Evalua¬Tion Computer System, LECS) basically represent formulation of framework evaluate farm ( For Land Evaluation Framework, FAO, 1976 . Usage of facility of kom¬puter in analysis according to farm very needed [by] because:

: ( i) entangle many data covering various farm unit, various management level, agriculture crop types and forest crop; ( assessment ii) [done/conducted] quantitatively to express storey;level according to crop; and ( pemodelan iii) needed to more is comprehending [of] complicated interaction in agriculture system ( Wood and of Dent, 1983).

law of conservation of matter

Effort exploiting of agriculture farm [is] intrinsically addressed to get pickings of agriculture commodity. Activity management of farm sumberdaya in this case basically represent adjustment effort [among/between] condition of existing farm with conditions to ko- agriculture moditas ( Sitorus, 1985). Condition of this farm become constraint limiting ability and according to farm sumberdaya to conditions of usage and exploiting of farm. morely operational, conception about condition of this farm can be formulated in conception of[is quality of farm able to evaluate morely kuanti¬tatif and more objective ( Soemarno, 1990; Janssen, 1991). [Relation/Link] [among/between] condition of farm with crop respon in the effort management of farm will determine farm productivity storey;level ( Wood and of Dent, 1983). Various technique have been developed to estimate farm productivity storey;level [pass/through] process evaluate farm. Result of evaluation is important in order to planning and pengelo¬laan of farm sumberdaya ( Sys, 1985; Soemarno, 1990).

One of [the] form management of famous farm [is] to use farm as system component of usahata¬ni. A[N system of usahatani commodity practically very complex ( natural sumberdaya subsistem, and sosial-ekonomi-budaya subsis¬tem), having the character of is dynamic, and senan¬tiasa have interaction [to] with other systems. Systematical approach qualify for the shake of efficacy of observation of commodity usahatani in its [his/its] framework ( Dent and of Young, 1971; Shanner, al et., 1982). Passing to with refer to systems analysis can be analyzed [by] system struk¬tur in the effort getting optimal structure, so that with system input simulation expected can be obtained [by] expected output. Furthermore implication [is] enabling of engineering of agroteknologi instruction for every system of usahatani commodity [in] a[n region of pengem¬bangan ( Soemarno, 1988).

conservation plowing

System of Sumberdaya Farm.

As a(n) natural ekosistem, farm agriculture of mempu- components nyai of biotik and of abiotik which interact. Interactions which [is] sung berlang in this ekosistem generate some key process, like process growth of land;ground ( mirror in ting¬kat according to farm), erosion process and of lim permu¬kaan pasan, crop production process and livestock, and processs of sosial-ekonomi . Process growth of land;ground [in] nature happened continually, and influenced by many factor which interact one another . Some very important factor [is] climate, organism, mains rock, topography, and time. this Factors interaction [of] fast menen¬tukan [of] decay of mains rock which [is] its results will compile one of the land;ground components. Nature of- nature of this land;ground component hereinafter will determine land;ground type and storey;level its [his/its] to crop ( Buol, Hole, and Mccracken, 1980).

Farm Sumberdaya include;cover all processs and characteristic and also farm phenomenons able to be used to fulfill requirement of human life. One of [the] type usage of important farm [is] usage of farm sumberdaya in types exploiting of farm ( type utilization land) agriculture to get agriculture pickings and livestock ( Hardjowigeno, 1985).

conservation of energy

[Common/ public] Conception about Farm.

Farm as a(n) " system" having component- component which organiz specificly and its behavior [go] to to certain targets. this Farm components can be viewed as [by] sumberdaya in linking- of him with human being activity in fulfilling requirement of [his/its] life. Sys ( 1985) telling six big group [of] top-drawer farm sumberdaya to agriculture, that is ( i) climate, ( relief ii) and formation of geologis, ( land;ground iii), ( water iv), ( vegetasi v), and ( artifisial anasir vi) ( made in). In context approach of system to solve problemss of farm, each;every farm component or of sumberdaya above mentioned farm can be viewed as [by] a[n separate subsistem which represent the part of farm system. Hereinafter each;every this subsistem lapped over to the many its sharess or characteristic- its characteristic which have the character of dynamicly ( Soemarno, 1990).

missouri conservation department

Farm term used with reference to surface of earth along with whole characteristics exist in him and necessary for perikehidupan of human being ( Christian and of Stewart, 1968). morely detailed, farm term or of land can be defined [by] as a(n) region on the surface of earth, including all biosphere component able to be assumed remain to or have the character of siklis residing in to the and below/under region, including atmosphere, land;ground, mains rock, relief, hidrologi, animal and plant, and also all effect of generated by human being activity in the past and now; which [is] all the things have an effect on to usage of farm by human being at the (time) of now and [in] period to come ( Brinkman and of Smyth, 1973; and FAO, 1976). Farm can be viewed as [by] a[n structured system to the ( i) structural component which [is] often referred [as] [by] farm characteristic, and ( functional component ii) which [is] often referred [as] [by] the quality of farm. Quality of this farm intrinsically represent a group of farm elements ( attributes complex) determining ability storey;level and according to farm ( FAO, 1976)

parrot conservation

In its its[his] with strategy system development of agriculture [in] farm area of pegu¬nungan, Jodha ( 1990) telling six important spsesifikasi, that is :

: ( 1) aksesibilitas,

: ( 2) fragilitas,

: ( 3) marjinalitas,

: ( 4) and heterogeni¬tas of diversitas,

: ( 5) ecological suitabilitas, and.

: ( 6) history of meka¬nisme human being adaptation.

natural resources conservation service

Pursuant to [at] is fifth [of] this principle, hence some important policy implication [is] ( 1) [All] planner of program have to knowledge men¬guasai about " system agriculture of have continuation" and components usage of relevant farm, ( 2) [All] executor of program have to can " communicate with farmer" in order to for the meng-akomodasikan of view, perception and importance of farmer; ( 3) [All] planner and executor of program have to realize that process of peruba¬han take place tardyly and llama, [is] so that needed " long-range komitmen"; ( 4) [All] planner have to can identify " requirement of its solution alternative and farmer" direct related/relevant with problem management of farm, and ( 5) [All] planner have to menge¬tahui " causes the happening of problems" management of farm and tracing [him/ it].

Integration [among/between] importance of conservation with kebu-tuhan of farmer represent main key efficacy of land;ground conservation program and management of agriculture farm. Collison ( 1982) telling four priority target which must follow in designing program of usahata¬ni conservation, that is ( 1) fulfilling sosial-budaya obligasi-oblikasi of society, ( 2) providing food supply able to be pledged by farmer, ( 3) providing earnings addition to fulfill requirement of base which cannot be yielded by agricultural sector, ( 4) can create extra " resources cash". Special for the system of agriculture [in] area or plateau of pegunun¬gan, Dimyati Nangju ( 1991) telling three dominant factor very is having an effect on, that is:

: ( 1) resident pressure of farm sumberdaya,

: ( 2) practice management of fertility of land;ground, and.

: ( 3) strategy and kebija¬kan of majored development to mountain area

energy efficiency and conservation block grant

Special in its bearing with land;ground conservation program and rehabilitate farm, Douglas ( 1991) recapitulating five elementary principle to its efficacy [at] field storey;level, that is:

: ( 1) this program have to represent integral part of program pem of broader agriculture building, and have to start with product increase, ( this 2) program have to have the character of designed bottom-up by entangling importance of farmer society, ( 3) technical asistensi [pass/through] long-range program,

: ( 4) a[n activity of konservais and management of farm have to can show benefit short-range, and ( 5) farm degradasi have to earn to be controlled [by] before is abysmal [of] its sill boundary.

collisions conservation of momentum

ccording to Sanders ( 1991), key to finish conflict management of and farm of problematik farm sumberdaya degrad¬asi lay in institute and policy supported by long-range financing which [is] kontinyu. Policy in this context have to can promote going concern agriculture system, that is a[n agriculture system supported by existence of incentive to producer ( owner of and farm of tenagakerja), credit of pede¬saan, policy of market / price which [is] kondusif, transportation system, technological precisely utilize which [is] site-spesific, and also research program and counselling. This matter bring consequence which [is] very weight, that is available of local policys as according to local condition, which [is] its target [is] system usage of farm distinguished by storey;level closing of better vegetatif [at] surface of farm. Three supporter factor which qualify to development of local kebija¬kan-kebijakan [is] ( 1) available of Data-Base of Management System about farm sumberdaya, water, vegetasi, human being, and other economic sumber¬daya, ( 2) mechanism analyse and constraint of problematik, and ( 3) planning mechanism supported by brainware, and software of hardware able to be accessed by [all] planner of development [in] area storey;level. To be able to push and support expanding local policys [him/ it], hence policy of national about usage and management of farm have to be instructed to ( 1) repair of usage and management of farm, ( 2) look after active participation from [all] consumer of farm ( owner of farm, owner of kapital, and tenaga¬kerja), and ( 3) development of institute of supporter, especially planner institutes and watcher [in] area.

wildlife conservation

Process national development and of regional till in this time, specially agricultural sector, have proved that various constraint still faced, especially [in] region agriculture of farm of kering-kritis which [is] its condition very immeasurable. In all Indonesia there [is] [about/around] 51.4 million dry farming hectare, where [about/around] 70% [is] among others managed with various type of usahatani dry farming ( Manuwoto, 1991). One of [the] main problem faced [by] [is] situation of immeasurable dry farming bio-fisik which [is] very and some of have destroyed or have potency very big to become to destroy. In a condition like this needed [by] absolute [of] policys of penajaman of technology peman of dry farming sumberdaya faatan and policy of institute of supporter of operational. Five condition which must fulfill in development of technology management of dry farming, [is] ( technical I) can be executed as according to local condition, ( Economic ii) profit,

: ( Social iii) [do] not interfere in and even can push farmer motivation, ( Peaceful iv) [of] environment, and.

: ( v) Push growth of region on an ongoing basis ( Satari, dkk., 1991).